Sunday, June 20, 2010

Which Ouran Host Club Member am I?

Stolen from Yawnnhi~ (=w=)v

Tamaki [Prince Type]:
[ ] You are French
[x] You're a very romantic person. [Shoujo Manga reader indeed.]
[ ] You flirt a lot with girls/boys.
[x] Easily fooled by things that wouldn't fool most. [Hilarious...]
[x] You're overly eccentric in everything you do. [I just don't chose to express it physically]
[x] You care about your family deeply even if they don't return the feelings.
[ ] Your birthday is April 8th
[x] You're slow when it comes to your own feelings. [Sure, let's go with that]
Total: 5

Kyoya [Cool Type]:
[x] You wear glasses. [Daily necessity]
[x] You are known for being "evil". [Mwuahahahhahahaha~!]
[x] Your favorite foods are anything spicy. [Pizazz in the flavors are for my tastebuds' enlightenment.]
[x] You excel in everything you do. [Everyone has the capability to do so, but it depends if they choose to. Just that single thought leads them to excel and be who they are. Other than that, that's where hobbies come from.]
[x] You're a very calculating person. [Oddly specific is me. I choose to be specific, unless I forgot what to be specific for.]
[ ] Your birthday is November 22.
[ ] You hate waking up in the morning. [That is vice versa...]
[ ] You never like to do anything unless it has a benefit. [Hilariously almost true]
Total: 5

Hunny [Loli Shota Type]:
[ ] You're the shortest out of your friends.
[x] You love cakes and sweets. [Yum~]
[x] You have a stuffed animal that has special meaning to you. [Kuma-san~!]
[x] You are/have taken a martial arts class [It's true..]
[x] You are close to your cousins. [Hai hai.]
[x] You look a lot younger than you are. [That is definately vice versa..., but internally, I am.]
[ ] You're born on February 29th
[ ] Your favorite subject is math.
Total: 5

Mori [Wild Type]:
[x] You're the tallest out of your friends. [Do I need to say anything more?]
[ ] You only talk when you need to.
[x] You're protective of people you care for. [And again, don't show it.]
[x] You favorite food is Japanese food [Asian food for the win~]
[x] When bad things happen you tend to blame yourself a lot. [Indeed I do.]
[ ] Your birthday is May 5th
[ ] You're not much of a leader but more of a follower [Who knows...?]
[x] Not many people know what you're thinking [My existence is a total mystery...Since I am random..]
Total: 5

Hikaru [Devil Type]:
[ ] You and your sibling have a strong bond.
[x] You're a very cynical person. [Kekeke....?]
[x] You like to mess with your siblings a lot. [-evil aura emits-]
[x] You're the oldest sibling. [Hai hai.]
[ ] Your birthday is June 9th
[x] You like Italian food [Pasta~]
[ ] You get jealous easily
[x] You don't make friends easily [Anti-social person right here.]
Total: 5

Kaoru [Devil Type]:
[x] You like to play games. [Let's play a game~]
[ ] Favorite subject, English.
[x] You enjoy fashion/cosplay. [Yatta!]
[x] You're nicer than your siblings [Well.. let's see... ]
[ ] Your birthday is June 9th
[ ] You're very forgiving.
[x] You'd rather give someone something and go without to make that person happy.
[x] You like playing tricks on people
Total: 5

Haruhi [Natural Type]:
[x] You don't care about trivial things like appearance. [Looks can be deceiving.]
[x] You're tight with money. [-Looks at wallet...- Sob..]
[ ] You get along with guys well. [...]
[x] You're blunt about everything. [Pretty much almost everything.]
[ ] You're an excellent cook. [I would like to learn how to cook.]
[x] You have a hard time understanding love [Something that is hard to understand until you've experienced it personally]
[ ] Your birthday is February 4th
[x] People feel like they can open up and talk to you easily [In a way yes.]
Total: 5

Results: All of them...? You've got to be kidding me...

Friday, June 4, 2010

I am ??% Happy

Stolen from Youko, who stoled from Dynamiteisei.

[ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[~(-w-)~] You have your own room.
[~(-w-)~] You own a cell phone.
[~(-w-)~] You have an ipod/mp3 player.
[~(-w-)~] Your parents are still married.
[~(-w-)~] You have more than 2 best friends.
[ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard.

T 0 T A L: 5

[~(-w-)~] You dress how you want to
[~(-w-)~] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[~(-w-)~] There is a computer/laptop in your room.
[~(-w-)~] You have never been beaten up.
[~(-w-)~] You never cry more than twice a month.
[~(-w-)~] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[~(-w-)~] Your room is big enough for you.
[~(-w-)~] People don't use you for something you have.
[~(-w-)~] You have been to a concert. (If it's any type of concert in general, then yes.)

T 0 T A L: 9

[~(-w-)~] You have over 50 friends on facebook/myspace (Hilarious, because I just don't approve to buddy list or accidentlaly decline request....)
[~(-w-)~] Your parents let you have a facebook. (As long as I don't do anything dangerous, plus I joined for apps... Beautatious...)
[ ] You get allowance. (Nah... I'm poor for multiple reasons, but not this one)
[~(-w-)~] You collect something normal. (Define 'normal')
[~(-w-)~] You look forward to going to school. (Only place where I can see friends on a nice, regular basis)
[~(-w-)~] You don't wish you were someone else. (More than half-content with myself is good enough)
[~(-w-)~] You play a sport. (I play sports, but I'm not dedicated to them. I just like playing them.)
[~(-w-)~] You do something after school. (Yes I do the funnest things after school; Time myself when walking to the car, and then head straight home.)

T 0 T A L: 7

[ ] You own a car.
[~(-w-)~] You usually don't fight with your parents. (Sometimes, but they're not serious arguments.)
[ ] You are happy with your appearance. (I wish it was so, but I still have a goal to gain.)
[~(-w-)~] You aren't self-conscious at all. (What does that mean?)
[~(-w-)~] You have never got a failing grade in your life. (If it's lower than a C average, then that's a failing grade to me. As long as I try my best, I still get an A - B average.)
[~(-w-)~] You have friends.

T 0 T A L: 4

[~(-w-)~] You know what is going on in the world. (That's what English class is for. Go News~![Some will get what I just said..])
[~(-w-)~] You care about so many people.
[~(-w-)~] You are happy with your life.
[~(-w-)~] You know more than one language.
[~(-w-)~] You own a pet. (Yes, my Kuma-san~)
[~(-w-)~] You know the words to 5 songs.
[~(-w-)~] You don't have any enemies. (At least that's what I think...)
[ ] You are a generally nice person. (Bleh.... I'm not nice, says me. But I do have a quote, "If I'm nice, then this world is sadistic; If you're mean, then this world is cruel...")

T O T A L: 7

5+9+7+4+7= 32
32x3 = 96%
I am 96% happy.